mad at MOM! GRR
March 28, 2003 at 10:04 p.m.
dear tObey,

hey yOu, i just got home and my mom is being such a little b*tch!! i swear... gRRRR! she is such a pain sometimes. she freaks out about everything. ugh, i think her voice is the worst part about it. it gets all high pitched and squealy, like she's a little pig or something. yECK! i hate hearing it. pisses me off. anyways, ben is back for spring break, so we were just eating sushi and stuff.. not really doing much! haha, being lazy i guess. then he had stuff to do, so i came home.. and i wanted to finish watching something but my DUMB BUM mom was being retarded and started yelling at me for something SO small and insignificant. no REALLY, it was about a phone call to my sister that she wanted to make. i hung up on accident b/c she told me to text her. and see, my mom is really dumb w/ cell phones. she thinks that you can text message over a REGULAR phone to a cell phone. anyways, i hung up and she got mad. she was mad b/c she didn't want me to hang up. SHEESH!! SORRRYYYYY!!! like it's such a huge fucking deal to dial 7 numbers again you lazy f***!!! ugh. i know i shouldnt call my mother bad names.. but i am pissed off. she gets so irked by the stupidest things. i mean COME ON. and last time she yelled at me b/c I had to go pick up my sister when i was at a friends bday party, while she was home doing absolute jack SHIT. it pisses me off that she's so goddamn lazy and so irresponsible. i think that's why i aim so much NOT to be that way. i mean, YEAH i'm lazy as hell when i'm home.. but if i have to do stuff like pick up my sister or run errands, i'll do it. i wont try to make someone else to them for me you know? like CONSTANTLY. and she is SO irresponsible!! sometimes it seems like we are complete opposites. anyways, i gotta get out of the house.. if i can find somewhere to GO!!!! adiOs tobey.

~a steamed off dOggy.

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