switchfoot/meant for more
June 17, 2003 at 10:18 p.m.
hey tobey..

long time no talk it feels like? yeah. tonight SUCKED..! i thought i was eating dinner with my parents and some old family friends from louisiana (so they tell me..!!) and of course the other family friend members did not bring their children.... sO. i was the only "child" there. :/ i only went in hopes that i could talk to the other "children" about college... *sigh* but it just turned out to be a waste of time. i just sat there, staring blankly ahead of me while the "adults" drank and talked.. what a waste of a part of my life! yesterday me and sushi went to south coast and we shopped our little hearts away. yeah.. today wasn't a good day though. *siGh* everything just sucKS.. good night tobey. i'm in no mood for writing here tonight.


switchfoot/meant to live

fumbling his confidence, and wondering why the world has passed him by. hoping that he�s meant for more than arguments and failed attempts to fly.

we were meant to live for so much more. have we lost ourselves? womewhere we live inside, somewhere we live inside. we were meant to live for so much more. have we lost ourselves? somewhere we live inside.

dreaming about providence and whether mice or men have second tries. maybe we�ve been livin with our eyes half open maybe we�re bent and broken.

we were meant to live for so much more. have we lost ourselves? somewhere we live inside.

we want more than this world�s got to offer. we want more than the wars of our fathers, and everything inside screams for second life.

We were meant to live for so much more.

Have we lost ourselves?

Yesterday | Tomorrow

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