August 05, 2003 at 9:30 p.m.
hey tobes,

how are ya? mee--i'm doing okay. i'm a little bit more elated than usual b/c i FOR ONCE, have finished ALL my homework!! and it's only 9:30pm! that's amazing progress for someone like me. :) i was at barnes and noble for 3 hours all by myself and caught myself up on all the math homework and rewrote some of my econ notes. aCk. looks like i'm getting a B in econ for sure now b/c i did badly on my last test. :X.. but it's okay! as long as i get an A in precalc... but i dont know if thats possible either. i make too many dumb mistakes. i'm hoping though.. i need a better GPA when i apply this fall! i feel so unprepared. *sigh* yeah.. and i haven't been going to the shelter hardly at all either.. i feel so bad! but it's so hard with school and work.. >:X i know.. i'm mad at myself. recently i feel like i've been mad at myself for quite a bit of time.. sometimes i am so proud of myself, but other times i feel like such a dumbass!! there's lots of things i want to "fix" about myself (not physically.. just me. the inside me..) i'm also kind of worried that UCI won't accept me as a "biology" major. i'm kind of scared now! just b/c my counsler told me that UCI has a very good biology program and it's very competitive. :X what if i didnt get in! what would i do? i guess i'd better talk to the counslers again soon.. anyways.. i'm gonna eat and get to bed early! maybe i get squeeze in 9 hours tonight. that would be great!!! i need it man.. by the time i get to econ.. whew, i'm feeling pretty dead in that class. *yawn* sleeps catching up already. 99 tobes. :)



Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007