August 14, 2003 at 1:48 p.m.
heyyy you!

i'm utterly relieved at the moment. i took my precalc and econ finals today!! :X i really truly do not know how i did.. i always THINK i did well, and then.. i get smacked in the face with a lower grade.. so we'll see. i'll update you. :) i'm so happy that it's all over. what's freaking unbelieveable is that school starts again in a mere WEEK. that's insane! what kind of break is that? we got longer breaks in HS! stupid, but what can i do... i got lucky this past week and i found all my books for way cheaper other than the bookstore! i found my organic chem books online on ebay.. i'm buying my calculus book from this guy neema, and i just met someone yesterday at barnes who had the bio book i needed and he said he would sell it to me toO! i saved myself almost 200 bucks. :) so i'm estatic about that. i have to go to work today.. 3 - 9! i suppose it wont be so horrible now that finals are all over. and i guess what! i FINALLY, went back to the shelter after a long 2 week break. :X i felt so bad. but it was fun seeing all the doggies again! i dont know if i already told you but cutie got ADOPTED! can you believe it? i'm so happy for her. now she doesnt have to stay in a kennel all day long. and palo went to a rescue, which is great b/c you shoulda seen what he did to his kennel.. OH MY. and i signed up to go to the 'dawg walk' this saturday.. i'm gonna take a kennel doggie! and i asked erin if i could take max also.. and jed and ben said they would walk max... hehe :) so it's quite exciting!! i love seeing doggies, and theres going to be a whole mess of them this saturday. :D my mommy comes back this friday too, THANK GOD! someone needs to cook around here.. hehe. my poor father has been eating the same thing for 2 straight weeks now. haha. what sucks is that right when my mom comes back, suey is leaving for retreat the same day! ack. but she's not gone long.. we're going to have a sister night on sunday. :) watch 'the life of david gale' (BEST MOVIE EVER!), and just get fat. it's going to be great! anyways, i really should get ready for work.. so i'll ttyl tobes. :)

<3 karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007