September 20, 2003 at 12:32 a.m.
hey tobey,

i just got back from an outing with the coworkers! we went to BJs in tustin.. and it was really fun! :D we were talking/laughing so much, my mouth hurts from laughing so hard.. and i hardly got through 1/3rd of my food b/c i couldnt shut my damn trap! :P i always have so much fun with them when we go out! i wish erin and rachel weren't leaving. it's gonna stink without them. >_<

it took me 5.5 hours to get through ONE chapter of my organic chemistry book. can you believe that? it took me more than 5 hours to understand chapter 3!! i'm so screwed. i have a bio test on wed. too. i have SOOOOOO much studying to do.. and i have work too. aGHHH. shoot me. tomorrow.. i'm going to barnes and study there all night after work! maybe even dennys.. or wake up early and go to starbucks. ahh.. i donno what im gonna do.. i just know i MUST study.. i'm really behind.

i'm feeling... weird tonight? i had so much fun with everyone today.. but sometimes, when the night is done, and everyone goes to what they call their home.. i feel so restless. it's a rare night that i feel this way. it's totally bizarre how much your emotions can rollercoaster up and down depending on how much thought you give them. if you give you emotions time to expand.. mine just go off the charts. like when i get mad, i get PISSED.. and when i get sad, i get soaked up with tears inside.. and when i'm happy, i have a smile that won't erase from my face. and the bad thing about all this is... i have such changable emotions! they go from mad to sad to happy in just mere minutes. i mean, most of the time, i'm really stable. i've BEEN stable.. *sigh* i guess. this is just one of those days huh? it's just one night... and tomorrow will be a better day.. best not to dwell on rare/strange thoughts and just be off to bed. jogging tomorrow. good night tobey//


Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007