October 06, 2003 at 9:19 p.m.
hiee tobey,

yes i know.. i turned 21 today, and guess what i did? went to school all day and studied after like a good girl! i just got home.. and im really tired from studying o chem. >_< oh yeah, and you know how i said i wasn't going to do anything for my birthday? well, i lied. but i was pushed! i dont understand some of my friends sometimes.. they want things for me that i couldn't really care less about. and they tell me i should do this and that.. and yadda yadda yadda. and one of em even got mad at me b/c i didnt want to do one!!! what the hell?! i mean, isn't it MY birthday? can't i choose freely to do what i wish? and so what if i wanted to go to the wild animal park?! so what! i prefer that over a dinner.. but i guess some of my friends aren't really into that kind of thing... and that's fine.. but i still dont get it. how could you be MAD at someone for not wanting to do anything on their bday? it's not like i was sad about it or anything, i was just simply happy with what i thought was going to happen. (--> the wild animal park..) i was a little irked by this.. but i can see WHY, and i can see that they want the best for me, but darn it.. i think i should be able to choose on my own. so yeah, for the sake of everyone else.. there will be a dinner. (i guess it doesnt matter if I want to go to the wild animal park???? hmm..) i dont even know where im going to have it or anything. POO! and i have so many tests/ect... ugh. it's going to be hell week next week! and i must prepare. i studied pretty well today at the school library though! i got through chapter 12 and most of 13.. wohOO! during the whole day, i got a lot of expected/unexpected phone calls.. it was nice. :) and some that didnt even come through that i totally thought would.. a little disappointing, but that's okay. it just shows me something is all. my sisters got me a lot of cute stuff! INCLUDING, the dave matthews solo album! how exciting. :D my mom got me all this facial stuff, and as expected from my father, i haven't even seen him all day. anyhow, i'm gonna go rest up.. get some sleep tonight! that's my treat to myself. heh. 99 tobes!

<3 karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007