October 13, 2003 at 9:46 p.m.
hi tobey,

its a strange night it is! i've stumbled upon a soul that was in the same place as was i a few years back.. just read this poem and you'll know what i mean.. it's from pandora23's diary. i think she wrote it!

"Do you believe in love

Do you believe there's one for each on this earth

If you gave your love away

Can you take it back some other day

How do you lock it up, if you've already given away the key

How do you not look over your shoulder and be free

Your heart and mind are at war

for the thing they don't understand why is not there anymore

Confused, lost and alone it is

How in the world could love have come to this

One says just get over it

the other asks how

One doesn't have the answer

so who is next now

None comes to help the one who cries aloud

None comes to help the other out

It takes two to play the game

But not two to feel the pain"

good isn't it? it makes me remember all the horror. ugh! i'm so glad it's all passed and gone.. but it does make me remember lots of things, things that probably shouldn't be remembered.

well tobes, i guess you're wondering about how my 21st went? well, i did get spectacularly drunk, and yes i even threw up once.. i drank a sex on the beach, a third of a margarita, a stop light, and something weird that alvin got me.. that was at islands.. then at jeds, i drank more... this time of my favorite, bicardi. (YUCK!!!), it was stinking crazy in there. so many people that i didnt even know, it was a wonder i made it out alive! i had a good time with my friends though. :) anyhow.. now it's back to routine studying and hell at school and work on the weekends. *sigh* life this semester STINKS! bio is incredibly boring. i'm really blessed to have the total opposite for a teacher.

warehouse (is that how you spell it?!) is closing and they were having some good deals, so me and diane bought a few things there. i got the older 'splender' album, and the 'toad the wet sproket' cds! im excited. :D i was listening to them on the way over and it was totally good! i miss my dave solo album, suey stole it from me! i need some dave right now too. i'm not feeling well today.. tummy hurts, TOM is here, and yuck. i think i'm still recooperating from saturday night. gotta study some more tobes! ttyl.

<3 karen

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Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007