hoping for a better world..
November 11, 2003 at 10:59 p.m.
hi tobey,

sometimes, i really really don't understand people. okay, so i was at barnes, studying, and i was waiting for brandon to come, and all the big tables were taken so i put two smaller tables together b/c obviously we can't do chemistry one one tiny table for the both of us! anyhow, so i combined them, and i bought a drink and stuff, and right when i sat down, this older guy asked me if i was going to use both tables. so i said "yeah, my friend is on his way, sorry." and i really said sorry in my most apologetic voice. not even the slightest sense of rudeness. i was SO nice about it! the guy walks away, and mumbles under his breath, "yeah you should be." can you believe that?! THE NERVE! that REALLY pissed me off. i was so mad.. god. times like that, i really HATE people. i was so mad, i made a little flashcard that said "I HATE PEOPLE!!" i mean, if he was gonna be all rude like that, don't even ask you know? why bother asking if you are only willing to accept one answer? FUCKER! god. i'm STILL mad about it. stupid bastard. then, there are some people that are SOOO nice. and it makes me SO happy to meet people like that. when i went to staples today, i was waiting to use the copy machine and this old man asked me if i wanted to make my copies first b/c he had a lot. he was just all smiles and really nice. i mean, what a totally different experience. i don't get it sometimes. how come some people have to be such A-HOLES?! well, that's my irk for the day...

when i actually settled down and started studying, i got a lot of chapter 6 homework done. it made me so happy that i understood it!! yipeeee. :D i'm gonna study some more morrow.

when i was driving home today, i happened to pass by a lot of christmas lights put up by the city. it's all very pretty and all.. but it sorta made me mad/sad looking at them. i mean, the city has enough money to spend on christmas lights but won't spare any money to feed another country that's starving their lives away? i know it's silly.. i know not every penny should go towards helping other countries b/c there are lots of other charities and programs that send food/$$/clothing to lesser countries, but you know what? it's not enough- obviously since people are dying of starvation and disease, it's still not enough. and maybe, no matter what, it will never be enough b/c the lesser countries would learn to be completely dependent on america and we'd be the mother country handing out all our resources to the core. i know.. it can't be perfect. but, it still makes me mad that people would spend their money of silly things like christmas lights rather than helping another person live. it makes me mad when people drive their expensive cars and wear their brand name clothes when it could go to help another life, whether it be human, animal, or environment. and i know, just b/c i dont drive some nice car, or live in a huge house, doesnt mean that i could still not give more. cause i could. anyone could! even though i'm not rich, i could still give and give until i was rock bottom poor also. but i mean, i think theres a limit. not that im the perfect example or anything, b/c i'm just simply not. i'm still pretty selfish too! i just wish people would obtain what they need, and share the rest. there's a difference between NEED and WANT that people refuse to see. why does the whole world have to revolve around money? dont people know what the rest of the world is like? why WOULDNT they want to give up their expensive material things to help other lives? i just couldn't, wouldn't even if i could, won't, refuse to ever buy something so insanely expensive just b/c the rest of society believes it to be "nice". it's just simply not right.. i mean, can't people just TRY? can't they give a little? if everyone just did their share, it wouldn't have to be this ugly. sheesh. all these thoughts and emotions set off simply because i saw some christmas lights put up by the city. well, for now, i'm going to put those sad thoughts away.. and focus of biology i guess... got a lab to finish, and lots of studying ahead. 99 tobes.

*hoping for a better world......*

<3 karen

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