People and Their Goals
September 08, 2002 at 9:08 p.m.
hieee tObey.

gosh, i seriously hate chemistry right now. i dont know what to choose? chemistry, or english, or..... what.. i donno? i donno!!! i'm having a terrible day today. damn chemistry. the only good thing that happened today was that katelyn burned me a cd of 'the juliana theory' and i listened it in my car for the 10 minute drive it takes from her house to mine... those were my 10 mintues of solace. i donno. you know what tobey? i really hate the time 9:19 pm. this is the time when my contacts begin to dry up in my scorched eyeballs. my eye is itchy and needs refreshment..! i freaking hate contacts. but very strangely, i need them or i'm a blind bat without them. well, tomorrow, i'm going to go to chem class at 7:30 am.. then afterwards.. try to get some freaking help at the LAP center.. then work 10 - 4 (cover erin's shift b/c her flight's delayed).. then.. after i gotta meet up with jayvee to do stat's hmwk.. then hopefully figure out the rest of freaking reeking chemistry. i donno how the hell im going to get through this class. seriously. i read the book, but it's all jumbled words to me. valence electrons, ionic... what the..?! ahhh..

oh but some relief. my friend katrina just texted me and said she could help me if i need help. aww she's SOOO sweet. she's always been such a doll. even without offering her help, i always have fun with her when i see her. like at nette's debU!! OMG she is so sweet. i just can't believe how nice she is. awwww.. i love this girl! i mean, not only b/c she is willing to help me.. but she really is a sweetheart.. aww she's going to bed right now too.. it's 9:46 !! i should go to bed too.. get some sleep for early classes.. gosh im so proud of katrina.. everything she's been through, and she's still pursuing her goals and dreams. she's really going to become a vet. she's taking all these classes and i'm so darn proud of her..! she was even one of the top chem students of mr. fier. se's taking bio and physics and another chem class this semester! that's crazy man! but she's still living the impossible, living out her dreams even though they are tough. she's my school role model from now on. hehe. gosh. sometimes i get into shock from the disbelief that people can be SO nice, and the disbelief that some people actually do pursue their dreams and live their fantasy. i really want to be one of those people. dammit tobey, i want to be a vet!! ok so now i'm gong to get my butt offline so i can read the jibberish in my chem book until my brain hurts and i can only force myself to sleep. good night tobey..! thanks for listening to be blabber :P 99!!

<3 Karen

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