enviromental studies
September 18, 2002 at 8:25 p.m.
dear tObey!

hiee... well, today i went and saw my counsler pam. (she is a sweetie!!), and i think i pretty much decided against being a vet. reason being because.. well, i was thinking about it.. and if you think about it. there's no point to saving animals lifes. most of the animals that go in (or atleast a good deal of them) have been badly bred and have genetic diseases. and i would feel no purpose to helping those animals, b/c the only thing that's keeping them alive is technology. i feel bad for saying this, but they are the effects of the problem. and i would feel no purpose or point to saving those types of animals, when there are so many homeless animals all over the place. i mean, i know it's not always like that, but i think a lot of dog breeds have too many genetic ptoblems. that's why i'm set of getting a mixed breed now. they tend to be much healthier! and on top of that, it's competitive, etc. etc.

sO! i'm sort of leaning towards enviromental studies now. i'm more interested in fixing problems, rather then helping then continue. it's something like this. let's just say that you go to a river to find that people are drowning and being swept down with the current. (this is a hypothetical situation if you hadn't noticed) what are you going to do? A. you could walk away. ignorance is bliss. tell yourself what you'd like. B. you can pull out as many people as you can. C. you can go up the river to the SOURCE of the problem, and fix things from there. i'd like to chose C. i want to get at the cause of the problem. it's a futile race to chose something like B. that's why i want to do enviromental studies! b/c it does just that. get's at the whole REASON why things are the way they are! and i couldn't imagine doing anything else if it weren't for that. but there's a lot of different fields with enviromental studies. and im just not sure where do go on that. i was thinking about wildlife biologist. that mixes animals with what i plan to do! and i'd really enjoy that. but a part of me still wants to do english. sO! pam said that english is a really good minor for any major. b/c so many majors require public speaking skills, writing/reading skills, etc. anyways, you get my point! i'm prolly still gonna have to go to grad school for it also.. (everything requires grad school nowerdays!! or it seems...) so i'm pretty content on the basis of school.

and in other words.. tomorrow, i will be turned into hello kitty. how fUn! i can dance around in a huge kitty costume. hehe. so i'll be off now. study some chem and go to bed early! 99.


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