war suX!!
March 20, 2003 at 8:07 p.m.
hiee tobey...!!

me thinks that i'm a bit addicted to writing to you at times.

well, we're at war....... and... i don't exactly know how i feel about it? just b/c i don't have all the facts, so i'm not sure if i'm in a good enough position to make judgements. i wish i knew what was going on completely and honestly. i think this war is about staying in power, and staying on top. it's always about power. that sick ugly need. i simply do not know even in my own head if war is the answer to this madness. is it? i don't know? how can you kill other human beings and feel GOOD or even OKAY w/ that? *there are many evil people that exist on this earth that deserve to die. yes, that is true. (this is a good point from LOTR!!) but there are also many good and kind people that never deserved death. can we give that to them? if not, do not dwell on the decisions between life and death, for those are not yours to take, make, or break.* i don't remember how the quote went.. and believe me, i'm not going to flip through 1000 pages to look for it. haha, but anyways, it goes something like that.. and i think it's a good point. oh by the way, i finished the book LOTR yesterday morning!! woHoOO! i throughly enjoyed it and i cannot WAIT to see it in action!! if... the people of the united states still exist in a year.... or rather, a few more months... all this talk about war and terrorism.. scares me. it's all so wrong! see, i can't completely support america when it's america that is being ignorant. although i know that mr. s.h. is a very evil man.... how would america feel if other countries wanted to come in and check up on our weapons then demanded that we disarm? we wouldn't let anyone do that to us! so is it right for america to always be in other countrys businesses when we won't let anyone else pry into our own? i don't think that's right. america just wanted to be the most powerful country in the world. it doesn't want equality throughout. i just wish there were no such thing as a greed for power. what's the POINT of being power hungry? it will only lead to the destruction of others and ultimately yourself. i wish there were equality throughout the world.... i wish there were no divided countries! i wish we were all just one world, with a need for peace. not power.

in theory.... communism seems so right, so fair eh? the reason it doesn't work is b/c people get greedy. people get selfish. people start looking out for THEMSELVES. man... seriously, for the sake of peace, i for one would be a plumber, a garbage man, whatever the hell they wanted me to be!! if there were peace and equality. *sigh* this is all really so terrible and sad. do you remember 9/11? quite a day. i was just getting out of my 6 am english class.... i was listening to the radio and they were all raging about it on every single talk show. honestly, at the time.. i had no idea what the heck the twin towers were! i didnt think it was that HUGE until i got home and i turned on the television.......... i'm scared for my family, my friends... i'm scared for me. i'm scared for the world! is war the only answer? PEOPLE ARE SO DUMB! so full of greed and loathing for others.....

i'm going to play w/ my sister and my ratties and hope that this terrible end will come quickly. i really missed my emmy while i was gone. poor ratties, they have no idea!!

<3karen :/

*when the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.* ~ is that possible?! can it be a reality, or is it all in my head....

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