not myself
April 30, 2003 at 10:36 p.m.

oMG. i can't believe how ignorant some people are. it drives me nUTS! this whole ugly world is full of it. i feel like my head is about to explode from madness. wHAT thE HELL!! all this misinformation and retardedness continues on and on... i just can't stand it. uGh. i need to vent.

thinGs/ppl i CANT STAND!!!

1. people who think they are better than others.

2. people who talk talk talk talk talk all about themselves in conversation.

3. people who are sELFISH. i think i hate this THE MOST. b/c all other problems stem out from this reason. it's the root of all eVIL!! these people do almost everything solely to benefit themselves. everything they contribute to life--it's all for them. all they ever do is take and take. they never give anything back and complain and say that life is unfair when it is theY that suck the life out of others and make situations unfair.

4. iGnorant people.

5. nEedy friends. they seem to just drain all my energy away... makes me sick to my stomache.

6. nEedy peoPle!!

7. peRverted people.

8. people with staring problems. esp. while driving. WTf are they looking at?!!!

9. rUde customers. they swear i care.

10. uGH> GO AWAY>>>

i'm so irritated right now. i dont even feel like sharing my anger. number 5 is at the top of my list right now. and it's REALLY starting to annoy the crap out of me. i cannot stand people who cannot live independently! call me a jerk. whatever. it's disgusting how some people lean SO much on your sympathy for support. oh and number 7. why are guys such perverts? *baRF* please. let me hurl. i'm so MADDDDD!!!

~not myself. >_<

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