July 23, 2003 at 12:44 a.m.
heyyy tobes,

i'm so f-ing tired! i just got back from benchs. we ate pepinos (sp?) and watched half of 'gangs in new york'... and i'm dying to see the rest!! i guess we didnt realize that the movie is freaking 2 hours and 40 min. long. (whOOPS!).. and since we both have school tomorrow.. (ACK), we stopped a little over the second disc. it's amusing, informative, blOODY, disgusting, and damn good so far! i'm anxious to see the rest. *yawn*--i really need to stop going out to late on the weekdays... christ. i gotta get myself up in 06 hours. well, 06 hours isn't too shabby is it? i'm pretty happy with 06 hours. (sort of.) oh yeah! i ate at taco n co. with liz and pam today! pams leaving for graduate school really soon... she'll be missed! but she has a really bright future ahead of her.. i'm so excited for her! flordia... damn. thats like another country (slight exaggeration..) to me. we took pictures, but i'm too much of a fat lard to go and get my camera.. haha. so you'll just have to wait until tomorrow! anyways, i'd better get to bed.. times a wasting! 99 tobey.



Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007