I Miss..
September 26, 2003 at 11:12 p.m.
hi tobey,

i guess, this is just one of those times when i really think back on the past and really miss certain people in my life. i mean, who knew that it would all turn out this way? it's weird to actually MISS someone. someone that you've become so distant from. someone you were really close to, but now you can't even recall their birthday. i really can't remember it.. and it makes me mad.. i want to remember it. it's so stupid how people miss things after it's gone. sometimes, i really feel like kicking myself. yeah.. i know, it was a learning experience, but.. it's hard when the lesson comes with a price. and what sucks is that, it was all my fault. well maybe not ALL. but like, 80% my fault why we drifted apart into nothingness. i was definately the one who hurt the other person. yeah, the occasional hello.. but it's never anything more than that. and there's nothing, nothing at all that i could do to fix it at the moment.. except watch this person sail away into oblivion. but i really am, happy for them. they waited a long time to find something that good for them, and it's certainly well deserved. but i will always, miss them now and again. i'll always miss certain aspects of my life that can only be found in the past.

<3 karen

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Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
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