September 25, 2003 at 9:37 p.m.
hey tobey!

i just got home from a pretty fun day at work. :D i've got calculus tomorrow... and gotta visit the dentist again to finish up my 3 cavities! :/ oh the joy. >_< after that... hopefully finish up some math homework at barnes and go to work again! then study some more? and study more on sat and sunday? and study like mad monday and tuesday?!! i need so badly to catch up in math. i think im getting a little sick too.. i donno how the heck i got it! musta been from my little seester. yeck. anyhow.. i've been feeling good after all these horrid tests. :) i mean, even though.. school does suck.. i'm happy with the way everything is going. hopefully, next semester.. i'll only have to take the second half of o chem, biology, and some kind of arts class... so next semester.. i've really decided that i'm going to quit sanrio and get a job as a hostess and work myself up to be a waitress. i think i could handle it... and learn. >_< i need to make more $$! and really save up.. if i ever want to move out and live on my own and ect. ect. ect. i dont know how i'm going to tell helen though, i mean, i know she'll understand.. and hopefully by then, we'll have some workers who can handle themselves.. i'll be sad though.. i mean, i'm so used to being at sanrio.. being at the mall.. i almost feel like it's a part of who i am. strange isnt it? it's been about 4 years i've been there... sheesh. and i know it's gonna be scary, b/c i know sanrio so well in and out, and everything is going to be new and scary.. and more mean customers prolly.. but i think i have aquired patience?! haha.. i hope so, hopefully i'll learn quickly. so yup. thats my plan... wish me luck! for now.. just need to concentrate on school and do well.... :) talk to you laters tobes.

<3 karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007