March 04, 2004 at 9:44 p.m.
hey tobes!

how's life treating you? =) i'm happy, but upset with test results! sheesh.. the bio practical was SOOOOOO SOOOO SOOOOOO HARD! i cannot even emphasize how difficult it was. i got SOOOOO many wrong. i'm totally ashamed! well.. now i know how to study for one.... *sigh* :( ochem ... AHHH i dont even want to begin talking about that. it was WORSE than the bio practical. i studied so long and hard for both of those too... it makes me really upset when i study super super hard and i don't get good grades you know!? so disappointing... on a lighter note! i watched 'jury duty' FINALLY! and it was a GREATTTT movie. i <3ed it!! and i signed up on this "OKcupid" internet thing? i mean, i didnt mean to! i just wanted to take the test. i guess after you take the test you sign up.. and the rest is history! it was kinda fun though filling out all that stuff.. esp. when you're bored and dont want to study! >_< hehe.. bad karen..! anyway.. tomorrow i'm going to finish collecting plants with adam.. then.. study for bio test next week. i better ace that one!!!!!! no more bad grades.. :( what am i going to do? vet? biologist? i donno! how can i go vet school with grades like these? i'm so embarassed. o_O 99 tobes!

<3 karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007