GumbO Night
May 28, 2004 at 1:26 p.m.
Hi Tobes!

I'm at school right now.. waiting to tutor this 10th grade boy in Biology. Our computer is sick from viruses.. so my dad took it to get it fixed and stuff!! (The reason I haven't been able to write of late) Anyhow.. I went out last night with one of my newer met guy friends.. grabbed dinner at this place in Costa Mesa, had gumbo for the first time in CALIFORNIA! It was different from the kind I would eat in Louiana, but I'd say it was a pretty good imitation! =) The name gumbo reminds me of Gumby. You know.. that green clay character on television?! The place we went to had these tiny tiny black straws, I thought they were so cute. =) I liked the whole atmosphere of the place, with the pictures on the wall and everything. Really cozy. Since we were near Irvine, I guess it was a given to go get boba.. hehe. and I must say the honeydew flavor is very sweet! I snuck it in into the movie theater b/c I really wanted to finish it.

When I got home, I went to bed and I thought a lot. Trying to reason with mua about why I am the way I am. I feel like such a complicated cookie! Sometimes I want to just kick myself b/c I don't understand me. I'm just trying to be a better person than I was before..! I noticed that it proves to be tough business to be yourself around someone you're not sure would accept your weirdness. o_O But, I'm not really so strange am I?! heh.. well..

Then I thought about people.. and how we all hurt each other so much. It's really a sick cycle carousel as I have mentioned before. Sometimes I think the hurt is good in a way b/c you learn so much from it. The problem lies in the fact that some people don't learn from it. They stay miserable in pondering questions of.. "Why did this happen to me?" and never fully heal. I know I took my sweet time healing my heart from trauma, but hey! As long as I did it. =) I wish it didn't have to be this way.. so that no one would be hurting, but I guess if the world were that way.. It would be as if we were all high off drugs, always nice to each other.. never being mean or hurtful, and that would be a illusion in itself. Well, I don't know what other people would choose.. Reminds me of 'The Matrix', where the guy is eating a steak, even though it's not really steak, he WANTS to live in ignorance. If we were all happy cabbage patch kids.. I guess we'd be living in that same sort of ignorance yeah? I for one, choose NOT to eat the false steak!!

Tomorrow is Suey's 18th birthday!! My little sister.. all grown up. Hopefully the weather clears up because we're supposed to go to the beach and have BBQ. Then, I'm going to Farzin's BBQ to see some of the bio kids..! Going to see Cursive on Sunday at "Plea for Peace".. a show I actually have TICKETS to! heh. And hopefully our BBQ on Monday with some friends if the weather turns out okay.. I really want to learn how to bodyboard! Apparently, my friends think I can't do it. Ha!--I'll learn and show them!

I gotta go update my brain on bio 3A, so that I can get this kid through high school biology!! He's got a lot of potential, I know he can do it! =) I hope I'm a good tutor. o_O Have a great day!

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007