Emotionally Tired
August 04, 2004 at 8:20 p.m.
Dear Tobey,

Hi love! I just got back a bit ago from tutoring Alex and a long day at teller training school. Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life, thus the reason for my non-entry. So.. I woke up as scheduled, in time for my teller training school, took a shower, got ready, you know the deal. Of course there was not a second left to spare to shove anything down my throat so I left hungry as usual! My tummy was feeling a bit queezy on the drive there.. I thought it was because I was hungry. So during morning break, I go to the dependable vending machines of B of A and get myself a bag of one of my favorite things to munch on, Cheez-Itz. One hour later, I am sitting in class in front of the teller computer, processing checks and squirming in my seat from the pain of finger foods!! I excuse myself to the bathroom and up chuck these disgusting bag of Cheez-Itz. YUCK! I absolutely dispise throwing up. It's one of the reasons I won't get completely piss drunk, b/c I refuse to wake up with a hang over. So you can imagine my horror from vomitting up a bag of Cheez-Itz. Very disappointing. Lucky for me, there were these little sofa type things in the bathroom, so I went to lie down in one of those. Usually, I feel much better when I sleep off the pain. Of course, it's incrediby difficult to go to sleep when your stomach is in knots. So I kept waking up from the horrid pain, and every damn time I woke up, I threw up more bits and pieces of these damned Cheez-Itz!! Eventually, I was throwing up only my stomach acid. It was purely disgusting. That's when I gave in and called my mother. My teller training teacher was nice enough to let me go home for the day and not kick me out. I slept in the car and felt better when I got home. I started walking around and feeling good and walked into the kitchen to find my sisters and mommy making sandwiches. I'm freaking starving b/c by that time it was 3:00 pm and I hadn't eaten a thing (besides what I up chucked that is). So I beg my sister to let me have a bit of her sandwich. This has happened more than once and my sister is a smart cookie. "NO KAREN. You're going to regret it!!" Me, being the stubborn ass that I am, insist upon it and recieve my bite of a really delicious turkey sandwich. 5 minutes later I am rolling over in pain! Damn me and my stubborness! Of course I say to my sister.. "WHY did YOU LET ME eat that?!!" hehe. She could only laugh at me. I don't blame her. So I attempted to sleep it off again, but this time was the charm I guess b/c I felt okay when I woke up and I stayed that way. Whew! That is my vomit sickness story of the year. I probably won't get another for a while, but I know they aren't going away. Tis a horrible thing I tell you..

KB had just gotten back from camping that day, so I went up to see him b/c I had missed him so darn much! Actually, what I really missed was just his soooooooft skin. hehe. JK! I missed the whole package of course. His humor, his warmth, his ugly face! ;) hehe. Only kidding of course. I even missed the _ _ _ Deposit behind the ear. hehe. Can't say what it is for the sake of him! hehe. We went out and saw Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. FINALLY! It was pretty good, but I think we both over-expected humor from the movie. I was just really glad to see him and poke the crap out of him. =D So fun! He has reflexes like a cat now because of me. hehe.

The bonfire the night before was really fun too! I got to see Katelyn, Michele, Margo, Jan, Jed, Bato, Julio, Wig, even Jomel and saw who these "Shire" kids were. #1 and #2! It was so sad. We were making hotdogs on a piece of wood that started burning moments later! I had to leave early due to my teller school the next day.. but it was really nice to see everyone, if only for a few hours.. still nice! Being at the beach at night makes me think of KB. I guess just because of 4th of July, grunion runs, and just walking down the pier.. I like going to the beach with KB. =) Day or night!

Today was pretty fun at teller training school. The people I've met there so far are super nice! We all go out to have lunch together and it's really fun. =) It's interesting to see how people come out and you get to see who the class clown is. I think we have 2 class clowns! Sonny and Sam. My goodness. Those two are a pair meant to be. Manu and Hastie are my favorite girls in the class. hehe. Hastie reminds me a lot of this other girl from my bio class. Actually, what she really reminds me of is a little cocker spaniel! hehe. Everyone is just really sweet and we all get along with each other. Weirdest, freakest thing happened to me the other day when we all went to Carl's Jr. to grab lunch. This guy comes up to me and starts talking to me in Russian. I was like.. "uhhh........ Sorry. I don't understand you!" and he kept talking and talking and talking and.... What in the world! Do I LOOK Russian to you idiot?! I was annoyed because I was trying to enjoy my famous star because I was damn hungry! Then there was this other weirdo... I'm not even going to say it. I just ran into strange people that day!! ANyways.. It's pretty easy the stuff we're learning right now.. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Teacher is cool, students are cool, so I enjoy my time there getting paid to have fun! =)

As for friends.. or, a friend.. I haven't a CLUE what the heck is going on. I am so seriously lost on what is the matter with my best buddy. I haven't done anything wrong, I try really hard to be nice and get along.. What's up? I'm tired of trying to be nice and getting this fresh plate of attitude thrown back at me constantly. I don't get it. I mean, if I did something wrong then I hope my friend would just discuss the matter with me. And this is not me just being stubborn, I really don't think I've done anything different or out of ordinary. Aren't I being honest and trying my best? I don't know. I don't understand. I hate to sound like I'm putting myself up on a royal chair or anything, but I haven't been anything but nice to you lately and you push me to the end of my sanity as I know it. What is up with that? I can't help but feel pissed off and hurt by you, your attitude, your .. what the heck is it? I don't even know why we hang out when all you do is sit there like a stone, blank and closed off. Do you really want to be strangers in a strange world, and throw away 6 years of friendship and everything we've gone through?? And for what reason? I can't believe that you even still have this wall of pride up with me after everything. How can it be.. that this are this way.. I don't understand and I don't know how to get through to you. You won't talk to me about anything. You've become a dark shadow, who just hangs around, but stays just that... but when other people come around, you light up and become existant. I hate that.

I'm really sad and disappointed right now. Early good night Tobey.

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007