Feeling Accused
Tuesday, Jul. 12, 2005 at 11:19 p.m.
Dear Tobey,

Hi sweetheart. On account that it's midterms week, that is my excuse for not having been present. However, I have the need to write at the moment since I feel like my emotions are inflamed. I don't know if I always get irate whenever anyone accuses me of wrongdoing, or if it's just this certain situation. Actually, come to think of it, I think I always get upset if someone accuses me of something that I'm innocent of. Especially when it's somebody close to me. I feel like they should know me well enough by now that I would not act maliciously for whatever selfish reasons. Do they really think I'm that evil to them? As if I were a sneak, planning unbeknown plans behind their backs? How could they even think that of me? I feel greatly offended at the moment because I've never been accused of such a thing by this person. It's definitely a first, and maybe part of the reason for my bad reaction.

I guess I feel that it's an issue to do with trust. Since they accused me of doing something with wrong intent, I correlate that to them not trusting me either partially or fully. Probably more partially in this case. So I'm upset that they feel like they can't trust me. I mean, that's what I feel like they are saying to me, "I don't trust you." and that kind of hurts coming from someone that I really care about.

I have a music midterm tomorrow, so that will have to be the end of that for now. I need to simmer off anyway. Good night.

<3 Karen

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