Zen Micro Problems + Road Incident
Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005 at 8:57 p.m.
Dear Tobey,

Yet another unfortunate event has occured. My Creative Zen Micro, which I have only had for 3 months and only occasionally used, never dropped or harmed, decided to just shut down on me. It's completely malfunctioned and I hate it. I hate it because I've barely used it really. It's not at all what was promised!! 10 hour battery life, blah blah blah... yeah, that 10 hour battery life, is like the first time you use it. After that, it dwindles down to like 3. I tried to be really careful with it too. Took the battery out when I wasn't using it, used it all the way down to the end to wait to charge it, ... it basically sucks. Since it's been over 30 days, I can't get a full refund from Amazon, but I can get a 80% refund. Which from $199.99, is roughly about $160.00, which is good enough for me to get rid of. I don't want the damn thing anymore.

I'm opting out this Zen Micro for a Sony Minidisc Player. That's right! I'm going to buy a player which plays discs. Why? Because it's reliable. Mike has one and he told me his battery life takes forever to kill. It's fairly small too. It's not like a cd walkman or anything huge like you might be imagining. I'm getting one which has discs that can hold a pretty good chunk of music, memory, etcetera. Sure I'm going to be changing discs, but with those discs holding 500 songs each, I probably won't even change it very much. Nevermind that, I don't MIND changing discs as long as the damned thing works. I know this sounds unfair, but I've come to the conclusion that these mp3 players with internal built in memories are like little mini computers that have too many problems associated with them to work out. Since these problems develop inside the damn thing, it's either a) confusing to fix or b)expensive to fix or both! Honest to God, I wish I'd never bought this thing. It wasn't worth this trouble.

Something else horrid that happened today. My car decided to stall in the middle of the road on my way to school. Soon thereafter, some jackass behind me has rolled down his window to call me an idiot. Maybe he thought I was driving stick or something. Anyways, at the time I was busy trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with my car. I was surprised to hear some guy call me an idiot. Me, being the road rager that I am, stick my head out the window and yell, "Can you not see there is something wrong with my car? Go around me you fucking asshole!" I did have my emergency lights on. I was so pissed. I mean really, it made my day. What was even more annoying was that even after I had told him something was wrong with my car, he continued to call me an idiot. WTF! As soon as I got my car to start, I flicked him off and drove away. Rude on my part? I beg to differ. Rude would be me getting out of the car, holding up traffic so that I could continue to yell at this bastard behind me. Instead, I gave him the finger and drove on. I think I was quite nice.

<3 Karen

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