Stem Cell Research
June 04, 2002 at 12:32 a.m.
hey tobey!

hey! how are ya? i learned something today in my psychology class... stem cell research! it's basically taking eggs from women.. and growing the embryos to get organs for people who need heart transplants, etc. etc. a lot of people have their defenses up about the whole thing but, i think it's a good idea! of course there's all this debating going on because people say you are basically growing a human and taking their organs.. BUT.... i mean, you're only taking their eggs and it's for a good cause. a great cause! and it's just plain silly that people get all worked up about this because we women loose eggs all the time. we loose one egg per month anyway. so how can you say you are killing something that is yet to be born? so every month, i am commiting a murder for not having my egg concieved? i think not. anyways, if we had enough donors on this earth, we wouldn't really have this problem! so it's you damn human's faults either way! i dont see why it's such a debate. it makes utterly no sense at all. anyways.. i'm in sort of a rush. so short opinion tonight.

<3 Karen

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