February 06, 2003 at 9:44 p.m.
dear tobers,

hellOooO!! today went off to a lovely start, with my head not being able to part with it's most comforting pillow. isn't it funny how your bed seems to be the most comfy when you just wake up? after i departed from my most wonderful bed, i had to take a shower and get ready for school. BLEH. i had math, and chem... i took my bio test yesterday, and i think i did terrible! it was really hard. i certainly didn't prepare well enough for it. oh, i talked to 'duncan' the other day. i call him duncan b/c he looks like duncan sheik. (the singer/songwriter) pretty cute guy. pretty weird guy. he hums a lot to himself, and makes many comments to himself, writes notes to the teacher on the quizes such as "i love you!". strange isn't it? he is quite amusing i might add. not that i like him or anything. just wanna make that clear. he seems a bit immature for his age. well, i guess all boys are aren't they? immature at any age~. then my chem teacher let us out early today. let me tell you tobes. i am getting mighty fed up w/ her! she is so full of BLEH. she is one of the most unorganized, most irresponsible teachers i've ever had! she forgot her notes today. she always comes late. she never has anything prepared. she plays freecell while we do our labs. i miss mr. fier so much! i would take him again for ANY class. so after chem, i went home... ate a baked potato, a turkey sandwich... and that's it. surprisingly enough. hey, it was a big baked potato. i'm surprised my mom didn't BURN it when she steamed it last night. she just had burned the beef stew from a few days ago, and tonight, she left boiled eggs just roasting away on the stove! and those burnt too of course. did you know a few months ago, she burned the top of our stool off? my god. i hate to say this, my mother is maybe one of the most irresponsible people that i know! she is so disorganized. she forgets everything, and she keeps everything. she is a packrat. she keeps the little ketchup packets from mcdonalds. she keeps 3 yr. old chips in tupperware. only to throw it all out, a few more years later when it's just TOO gross. i can't even begin to describe how unorganized and how irresponsible this woman is. she is going to burn our house down! anyhoo, that psycho woman is home now. and i must tend to her psycho, mass destructive needs. adios.


p.s. i don't hate my mother, don't get me wrong. i just hate her irresponsibility!!

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007