Happy to Be Here
April 04, 2004 at 1:00 p.m.
gOod mOrning Tobey!

Here's Cory, showing off those chihuahua ears. =) Doesn't he look so comfy sleeping on that pillow?! Makes me want to take a nap.

Hi there love! I just got back from church, and I'm going meet Suey at Sunshine and get the David Crowder CD, then study at Soka alllllll day with Johnny & Suey. Sounds like a plan eh?! Today was a really good message; mainly about people and their loss of wonderment. It really made me open my eyes to how dull I had let my own life become. I'm grateful for everyday that goes by, and even though I don't always seem to appreciate it, I really never do have a boring day. It's so funny to me as I look back on some of my older entries and realize what a different person I've become over the years. I read what I wrote, and I'm LAUGHING inside at myself! How silly was I to care and have so many worries about the tiniest things? I didn't appreciate things as much as I do now, I didn't see so many things when I was younger. It's weird how as you grow you think that you learn more and more things and it's in that moment where you think that you have everything figured out and that you know exactly what you want with your life, you really feel like you know it all. But the truth is, we really never stop growing. As a child, I always thought I knew EVERYTHING. Boy, was I wrong! and I'm still wrong, even today. Every year I would make mistakes and learn from them. Every year I kept thinking, "Yes, now I know EVERYTHING!" then every year I learn something new. That's why the other day I realized, the more I know, the more I realize that I don't know. and that's really OKAY, b/c life is all just a big learning process. I feel really bad because I must leave Cory! I gotta study and get things back on track. Me and suey are gonna see David Crowder soon!! Literally I mean, in a few weeks he's coming to New Song. =D and we're all going to go to conference together, long beach next Sunday.. so many things that I'm really excited about!

Looking forward to so many things. Looking forward to life. =)

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007