This is Happiness.
April 06, 2004 at 9:55 p.m.
Hi Tobes,

I'm really happy b/c we got our o-chem teacher to move the test to Thursday instead on Tuesday!! That's really a load off, because I don't know how I would have handled a bio practical and o-chem test all together on one day. Time always seems to be flying by huh? Looking forward to better days, filled with more friends, and less schoolwork. =) Leaving you with some memories, and what I love best: a song! =)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~The Best Memories Made~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"True friendship cannot be defined in words, it can only be defined by actions."


*After the rain, always comes the sun. after darkness comes the glorious dawn. there is no sorrow without it's alloy of joy; there is no joy without it's mixture of sorrow. Behind the terrible ugly mask of misfortune, lies the beautiful soothing contenance of prosperity.*


Here's one of my two bestest friends in the whole wide world. =) I'll tell you a little something about Ben Chen. I've never known a person who can drink as much as he does! He drives like a madman. His farts smell like rotten eggs. He likes to get your attention with the automatic window buttons. His parents are the best cooks in the world! They taught me how to EAT! He's a shopaholic. He's a monster at the dinner table. He works out wayyy to much for his own good. He doesn't love us anymore because he's got NEW best friends in San Diego. haha JOKE!! He taught me my manners. =) We've got too many memories together since high school. The good, the bad, and the absolute ugly! I used to drive him home from high school when he was a little boy who couldn't drive. LOL. In my HYUNDAI! Which I crashed not shortly after... haha. We went through absolute hell for a good year. But true friendship always lasts through, and I'm really glad he made me be his friend. And I learned the best of life lessons that I could have ever learned. Forgiveness, Letting Go, Accepting People for Who They Are, REAL Genuine Friendship. =) *God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.* Thanks Buddy!


Here's the other! =D (label whore... yeah YOU!) Now I'll tell you a little something about Jed too! His real name is Edmond. He's the biggest label whore I know! He's generous, sometimes I think a little too generous. That's why me and Ben have to watch out for him =P hehe. He likes to party. He loves Britney Spears! (YUCK!) He's worked at Old Navy, TOO darn long. We have really good memories together, seeing a gorilla at the gas station for one! Seeing a old asian man with a panda hand puppet waving at us for another. Driving to LA when we are trying to get home!! Can you believe all he did was LAUGH his butt off while I drove around fuming?!! haha. Us standing in the middle of Blockbuster arguing over what movie to rent... "okay Jed- PICK! Right or Left?" I <3 Jed because he knows what Right stands for. ;) No matter what, Jed is always there for you! He'll always make time to hang out with you if you need someone to talk to. I don't think Jed has ever let me down once. Seriously, if I went to jail and the bail was all the $$ in his account. I would bet my life that Jed would bail me out and come get me! (not that I would ever be in that kind of situation. *ahem*) ;) And you know what?! He always laughs at my DUMB jokes. =D


Those two guys have become the brothers that I never had. I'm so glad that we've been friends for so long, and have shared so many memories together! The 3 of us at South Coast... Mainly THEM buying stuff and me trying to convince them otherwise. hehe. Active!! Eating at so many places.. Fridays, Dennys, Wahoos, Del Taco... we must have eaten together at every restraunt possible. Watching late night movies at our houses. (esp. when we MADE Ben watch X-Men 1 AND 2 in a row when he wanted to go home!) Yelling at each other, fighting with each other! Laughing together, sharing memories together. Some of the best moments of my life have been with these two! Friends forever. Literally. =)


Now here they are, stabbing each other in the back. hehe old high school joke. =P JED! You backstabber!


Koala, Doggy, Jed!! one year ago.


Look how cute Happy looks here!! Who's that ugly kid next to him?? hehe just a joke!


Here's Ben, trying to get bigger by using Happy!! AHH! Well, he won't get bigger that way.. cause Happy weighs about 5 pounds. =D


*The people that I can be myself around.*


My sister and her boyfriend John! I thought he was such a punk when I first met him. hehe. But lucky for him!! I changed my mind after I got to know him, and they are really great together. I love being the 3rd wheel with them. So fun!! The sad thing is... I'm not joking! I really do enjoy it...! =D My sister has got to be my favorite person in the world. Only she completely understands my language and my ways! There is never a dull moment when we're together. Man, and when we fight, we FIGHT. She pisses me off like NO OTHER! haha. But honestly, that's a rare time... We get along so well, which is why I don't want her to go away!! I would miss her too much.

"Do your friends know how weird you look without make-up?!"

"Evil does not wear a bonnet!! Did Ganghis Kahn wear a bonnet? Well, maybe a black one."

"So you think you're a clever dan eh?!"

"Ugly, numbchucker, Non-blood chooser, cranky pants, ugly pants.... go away ugly!!" hehe

"You know I'm bad, I'm bad, I'm really really bad!" haha suey.. that was the funniest dance EVER!

Man.. if she left.. who would watch "Cats & Dogs" with me??! Who would analyze things with me? Who would come bother me! Who would I bother! She's so smart. She got into every school she applied to as a freshmen admission. UCLA, UCD, UCSD, UCI, Masters... gosh! I love how Suey acts so carefree. It's my mission to become as carefree as she is sometimes. =) I could write a whole book on my sister. I care about her and love her to pieces!


Miss Ems and Moo Cow!! How darling is this picture? I really love these buggers.


Last but certainly not least, CORY!!! Caught right in the middle of falling off the couch. LOL. I <3 this monster like crazy. I love waking up to his furry monster face.


I just hope everyone remembers... there is no fate! Only the decisions you make in your life.


"The future is as bleak or as beautiful as you want it to be."


[Duncan Sheik/On a High] "I'm on a high, on a high, there's nothing more to it. You're the sea and the sky and the blue that runs through it.

There are some who say there are so many things I need. So I run or I fight and I crawl or I scream and I bleed, I bleed, I bleed.

It's a lie, It's a lie, don't you believe it. If you're fine then you're fine, it's all how you see it. There never will be no conspiracy of happiness.

I'm on a high, on a high, there's nothing more to it. I have the sun, it's a star. Why should I refuse it?

There are so many reasons I could give you of why I should be down. There's not enough money, or time or my love you're not around.

It's a lie, It's a lie, don't you believe it. If you're fine then you're fine, it's all how you see it. There never will be no conspiracy of happiness.

You're alive, You're alive, where else could you hear me? You are fine, You are fine, nothing worth fearing. There never will be no conspiracy of happiness."


I <3 the lyrics to that song. It is all how you see it..... =)

<3 Karen


"The trick is not how much pain you feel-but how much joy you feel. Any idiot can feel pain. life is full of excuses to feel pain, excuses to live. Learning happiness requires a greater amount of strength than wallowing in your self-pity."


Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007