Pictures from Death Valley
April 19, 2004 at 6:50 p.m.
Hey Tobes!

I'm home.. feeling a tad bit better (and only due to the fact I had COry in my arms, slobbering all over) =) I guess everything will be okay... I just come to you in times to vent you know.. and you know what happens with emotions take over and run wild! --> temporary insanity. anyhow! Here's some pictures from the trip.. One thing I have to mention is HOW FREEZING it was there. Ha! You would think, that being in a desert, it would be at the least, WARM... eh?? WOW, during hours when the sun goes down and comes up, it's FREEEZZZZING. There are even parts of the desert, that have SNOW! It's amazing. Today, I overheard another student walking by comment, "It's so cold today!" .......... o_O they think... that THIS... IS... COLD?! I was grateful for the temperature today! anyhow, it's pretty amazing how much environment changes things. anyhow, pictures are up!

this is me and Porsha. Pretty name huh?! She's very cultured and really knows her stuff! She beat us all BAD in those car games we played... I was really intrigued. She's very sweet. =)

me and Joe.. she's HILARIOUS! When we got back to the OC bubble, she realized she had locked her keys inside of her car, and left some battery running! It was totally dead... hehe. I waited with her and watched as the triple A guy was desparately trying to break into her car. =)

p.s. Thanks Kate for letting me borrow your sunglasses. =)

Group at Ransburg! Small city of about 400 people. BEST milkshakes I've ever had at the general store.

Us again!

A desert lizard. Pretty huh?!

This was my favorite. a Kangaroo Rat! I loved the way it hopped away after release.

These are the two major biology professors at Saddleback COllege, and let me tell ya! Steve is the best biology teacher I've ever had. Smart, funny, keeps you awake in class! Look how excited these two biology nerds look to see a lizard!! haha

I've got more.. but I simply don't have the time and energy to put up 51 pictures. =) here's one more for you though...

This is my friend Rachel and a KOALA in Australia!! I'm SO jealous. Look how happy she looks. =) actually, she always looks like that! She's always happy and I really love being around her. She's a great girl and I miss her. =) She's going to be the wildlife vet and me the biologist.. hehe

anyhow! Hunger calls. Must eat! =) ttyl

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007