Decisions.. HELP!
May 02, 2004 at 2:17 p.m.
Hey Tobes,

I'm just taking a break from studying right now! I'm actually over at the UCI science library... I went to NewSong this morning at 9, and today's message was a really good one! I really enjoyed it. After sermon, I went to the neXt class, where I met this really nice girl named Sarah. I didn't even know it until she told me, she was very sweet and nice.. and she has ADD. But honestly, it's just a learning disability, but otherwise, she's completely like anybody else you know? It was nice meeting the other girls at our table too! After that class, me and Sarah went out to have doughnuts. =D We chatted for a bit, and now I'm here!! I'm going to go to GIGs (Groups Investigating God) tonight with Suey and Johnny. John may come help me too in math! He's so smart.. that darned cookie. =P I studied yesterday at Barnes ALLLLLLL day... Then Suey and Johnny came, and we just kinda goofed off from there on.. I mean, we did study... sort of! Afterwards, we spontaneously at 11:20 pm, decided to go to Blockbuster to watch 'School of Rock', which was a freaking HILARIOUS movie!! At first, I was truly disgusted and annoyed by Jack Black... lol. I guess that's what happens when you've never met his character on screen before! But it kinda grew out me, and goodness.. he's FUNNY!! It's a must see for anyone who has a heart. =)

A few days ago, I helped John study for his chem test at UCI here also! We studied like no other..! I really hope he did well on his test. It was really good review for me too.. b/c I hadn't looked at quantum numbers, redox rxns and such in a long time! He really tried hard and I'm sure he did okay!! "B's get your degrees". =D

Anyhow! I just wanted to say, it's SO beautiful today, and I'm stuck inside the library studying.. of course, I think this library is also equally beautiful. This campus is nice... I'm really debating about where to go this fall.... Can someone help me pick?!!

UC Santa Cruz: I personally am in LOVE with his campus. It's so freaking beautiful. Their program isn't bad either for what I applied for.. It's "Environmental Studies and Biology combined".. Environmental Studies is pretty popular there... I mean, look at the school! I can really see myself enjoying the last two years of my undergrad years there... No kidding..

UC Davis: I haven't seen the campus, but I've heard wonderful things about it. It's a step up from UCSC I've heard in the educational status of it all... But honestly, I think every school is known for their own thing you know? YOu can't just base it all a few facts. Anyhow.. the major I got in as is called "Wildlife and Fish Conservation Biology". HOW PERFECT IS THAT FOR WHAT I WANT TO DO??! I mean.. I think I would get a GREAT education there in that area of study..

UC Irvine: I haven't exactly got in yet (crossing fingers), but I'm pretty sure I will... So.. Assuming I did get in... This will by far be the cheapest option for me. It will be about half the amount for me to go to UCI b/c I would be living at home. Basically, over the span of two years, I would save 20 grand if I went to UCI instead of my other choices.. Just due to living costs/price of food/bills/ect. I can spare myself the trouble by going to UCI... And you know, I don't NOT like the campus.. I know people that go here already...

In any situation, I'm not worried about making friends and ect. ect. as some people are when they transfer. Honestly--the most important thing, is that I get maintain a decent GPA and get a good education. I think I'm a pretty friendly person anyway when I want to be, and even if I didn't make any friends.. I wouldn't really care that much.. lol I know it sounds horrible, but I mean, I can already see myself being SO busy in the future... with God, with school, and I'm definitely going to have to work.. I hardly have time for friends now! I think most of them have forgotten I existed. Which is not really all their fault, b/c I'm always studying/working/SOMETHING. AHh! So.. I don't know... I just don't know what to do....

Here's my last option: Staying at Saddleback for one more year and consider applying to Cal States.. Like Cal Poly Pomona in particular. I don't feel so bad about this option either b/c my bio teacher told me it took him 6 years to complete his undergraduate degree... And he's a really tough/smart teacher! I mean.. I guess the average now is about 5-6 years roughly... But then again.. If I did get into some UCs... DO I REALLY WANT TO WAIT ANOTHER YR.? That's the question... and I DON'T KNOW! Can somebody give me some sound advice?! I wish God would just suddenly appear before me and tell me everything he has planned!!

In the end.. I know that no matter what decision I make... I'm going to make the best out of the situation.. So no matter what, I'll be happy.. As long as I have God, it doesn't really matter... All right Tobes. Enough blabbering eh?

Carrots in, Peas out!

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007