Staying Up!
May 17, 2004 at 3:36 a.m.
Hi Tobes,

I was supposed to study for calculus all day today.. I ended up playing with my friend instead!! >_< Didn't open my calculus book until 9:30 pm tonight. Yay. I am so proud of me. o_O Well, on a happier note, I bought CDs today, and ate Pho with kOala! Was at their tree for a little while, so got to talk to Jon as well, where we discussed people's addiction to soda! Jon cracks me up so much. I can't even believe we used to hate each other. We always talk about that, and I always try to make him feel bad about it! haha. He's a very unique individual with opinionated thoughts on the world. Which is better than most people I know.. at least he HAS an opinion! He buys things like, "How to Make People Like You"!! You wouldn't believe how he interpreted that sentance. And no, it's not what you're thinking!

Ben bought 3 CDs today!! But the good news was... they were all 10 bucks, which is not that bad? I just got 1! It took all my composure not to buy more than that. We did this burn and trade deal.. He got 'Guns & Roses', the new 'Hoobastank' album, and 'Trapt'. I listened to them... but it was just OKAY! I donno, maybe it will grow on me? I got 'The Mars Volta' cd, the newer one, and it's SOOOO good! Ben suggested them to me a few months back, and I had stuff of them on the compy, but not a real disc, and Lord knows how I pine for real copies of cds. They are a very interesting band.. Although I haven't a CLUE what they are saying in certain lines of their songs, they have a very unique, original sound, which is hard to come by these days! My favorites on the album are: inertiatic esp, roulette dares, and cicatriz esp! (What in the world do those names mean...?! Well, I aim to find out. uh.. just AFTER finals! heh) Some of the kids in my bio class actually went to their concert a couple of days ago and invited me last minute, but I had to work on that darn presentation, plus I didn't know the full extent of their music. But now that I have this cd in my hands, I so should have gone! Even though I may have been trampled over by crazed fans.. haha, actually, maybe, that's a good thing when I really need to be preparing for the last week of school with my head on straight!

Anyhow.. I studied ALL night with Seisaku at UCI again. We studied from 9:30 pm to 3:00 am.. and I just CAN'T SLEEP. I feel like if I go to sleep, I won't be able to have enough time to study. I just came online to take a break!! But now.. I'm off to shower and get my butt to Saddleback and study in the student lounge, which I hope opens early...? They usually do.. Gonna meet Seisaku and Sun Joo at 6 am. He's really funny, he gets so worked up about the problems, and talks outloud to himself just like me! We're always so startled when we don't get the right answer. lol, and sometimes.. he looks up the WRONG answers and we stare frantically at the problem for 20 minutes, only to realize, we were looking at the wrong problem! Darn it! haha, lesson learned anyway. =P Okay. No more chit chat. Gotta wake up... keep myself awake for the all nighter!! I hope I don't blank out on the test. >_< Last calculus test for the semester... Thank goodness!! See you when the evil black cloud of calculus has passed!! (And when I have not been so delirously deprived of sleep)

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007