July 10, 2004 at 6:19 p.m.
Dear Tobey,

Hi darling! I just got home from Calafia with Bear and Mike. It was SO nice today. Perfect beach weather. I tried to get rid of my shorts tan.. but it didn't happen. hehe. I feel a lot better b/c I went to the beach.. I had a chance to just relax and not think too much about the stress in my life. We ate at Santora's afterward.. hot wings, pizza and beer!! When I was at Santora's, I was reminded of KB b/c I remember when I first saw him eat something spicy at Wahoos. It was seriously the funniest, and one of the most amazing things I have seen. He starts sweating like NO OTHER. If he has enough, balls of sweat collect on his face and droplets fall down from his face! I was just amazed at how FAST this occurance happens. I really wish that I could see more of KB during the sunlight hours. =) This Rosarito thing is really gonna happen so I'm super excited. =D We're planning to go ATVing, dancing, eating!! It's gonna be really fun with all the kids. =) I'm gonna go play tennis in a little bit with Suey, Johnny, Henry and all them.

KB let me burn his Q and Not U cd's earlier this week and WOW, I really love the CDs! 'Nine Things Everybody Knows' is a must hear song. I wrote this earlier this morning.. and I do feel the same way, although, I'm a bit better now.. --> I feel.. at a loss for words right now. I'm not sure how to describe what I'm experiencing, but there sure is a lot of confusion getting mixed up into the scene. Everything seems new to me and I'm not always sure how to react to these situations. Sometimes I really struggle to understand myself, and I usually end up not getting me! I feel like, I'm somewhere in the middle.. afraid to go one way or the other. Not wanting to walk away from all of this, and not wanting to dive into this head first. I feel.. STUCK!! There are factors at both ends that keep me from doing either decision, and in all honestly, I haven't a clue what's best for me or him. I'm so happy when I'm with him, but also so utterly confused. No one has ever made be re-think my decisions as much as KB has.

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007