July 25, 2004 at 9:50 a.m.
Dear Tobey,

Hey darling. Long time no talk eh? Well, days have become considerably busy! Recapping the weekend.. Friday, I did the work business, then went to watch King Arthur with Bear. It was an OKAY movie. We weren't really impressed with anything. Afterwards we decided to eat at Stadium Brewry (for some reason, I cannot pronounce in the correct english manner.. "brewry"!!) and learned just how expensive that restraunt really is. Talk about bad service as well! I dropped off Bear and went to see KB at the block again. We saw some of his buddies there so we decided to have some drinks with them. Sheesh, I can't wait till my good friends turn 21 too!! =) Only 4 months left for Bear. Yay! We all went to go eat at Shorehouse Cafe afterwards and that was the end of the night.

Saturday morning I went to Bear's house to help him move go get his couch! We made a quick stop at the ever dreaded dentist to check up on his wisdom tooth hole. Drove to Long Beach to get the couch.. we had to wait for quite a bit of time b/c the sofa lady had stuff to do, so I went and got a $15 haircut. =) I really needed it!! We were just running around all over the place yesterday, stopping by all these furniture stores, like Ikea, etc. Being in Ikea made me want to re-decorate my entire room. It made me want to re-decorate our entire house! Which of course I am not allowed to do being that it's owned by the rentals. =P I can't wait to move out and do whatever I want to my room! We ate Sango after all the crazy madness of looking for furniture and I went home to get relax a bit and got ready to attend a going away party with KB. It was an interesting night. I was a bit nervous at first b/c I felt like I was surrounded by all this testosterone that I did not know. I guess having a shot of patron and a little bit of beer helps that huh? Well, talk about me not being able to handle a shot of hard liquor! Yeah, I'm definitely out of this loophole of drinking. But you know what? Patron wasn't bad at all. It wasn't what I expected. I think Bacardi is 100x worse. If I have a choice of hard liquor, this is definitely it from now on. That is, if I can pass being a one shot wonder! I mean, I was totally buzzed from that one shot. If I had another, I'm sure I would have been wasted.

All right, that's enough talk of what I've been doing!! Today might be a beach day with the regulars and a BBQ type thing with KB later at his friends house.. we'll see! There's a lot on my mind about my actions these past few days.. How they correlate to who I am, and what I believe in. Damn. Why do they have to conflict so much?

Truth. Yes, I do realize that feelings fade but Truth will always remain the same.

How do I do this Tobey? Maybe I'm asking the wrong person..

I would like to mention one more thing before I disperse. In the movie King Arthur, they put out Lancelot to be a God hater. Hate might be too strong a word, a God despiser? haha, I donno. Whatever works! Anyhow, he made a lot of comments as to his non-belief based on the fact that some things of this world were so ugly and unfair. Which, I completely agree to. This world we live in, can be quite nasty. The question is, is that God's fault? Is it God's doing? Does God stand in the line of where we are and if able, can he stop the bloodshed, famine, hate.. can he do this? Well, God has the power to stop all this, YES, but did God give us free will? YES. Otherwise, what is Lancelot saying? That he would rather that God play our lives as if we are the puppets and that is just the way that things are to be? I can understand the bitterness between people and God when you look at the world and your own life and say.. "What have I done wrong to deserve this? What have they done wrong to deserve death?" When the truth of the matter is.. no one deserves any one thing. People say, "I deserve better. I'm better than that murderer over there, or I've done a lot of good onto the world so I should be getting it back." Even people who don't say such things, inside.. a tiny part of them that remains unsaid, still feel like there should be something more, when in reality, the gift of Life has always been there before everyone.

People can't understand that God does provide us with riches. The only reason they can't see that is because the riches are defined differently than what they want those riches to be. When people think of riches, they think of money, wealth, status, power. They are blind to the riches that God does provide us with on a daily basis... the ability to be happy and love, family, friends, Truth. All of these things and more that people absolutely refuse to open their eyes to. Of course, not everyone has a family, not everyone have people they can really consider friends.. So this is not to say that everyone gets the same riches, but people recieve different treasures in life. However, there is one gift that God gives the same to everyone. And that is Truth. People can accept it and live it, deny it and run from it, or simply live neutrally until something comes and pushes them either way or not. But because we have free will, we have these choices we are able to pick for ourselves. (although, for me, at this point and time, I don't know what my choice has been.....) People made this world ugly, not God.

Sorry, I don't mean to ramble, but I just had to make that point. Okay Tobes, I'm off for breakfast and the rest of today, and not to mention life. Even through everything I do wrong, I'm still blessed with things I don't deserve. I have to say that I find that absolutely amazing.

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007