Weekend Notes, The Little Prince and Cory
October 18, 2004 at 3:45 pm
Dear Tobey,

Hi sweets! Sorry I've been SO busy lately love. So.. what have I been doing? School, still doing the work thing, fighting with my mom, spent the night in L.A., been hanging out with KB, all the usual sillies. Just took a pretty tough o-chem test last week.. It was pretty damn tough. I'm glad it's over! Now just waiting for the next one to start.. Everyone in class complained about the test.

On Thursday night, I met up with KB to have dinner at P.F. Changs. I used my $25 gift check that I got from the bank. Somehow I got voted for best customer service as a teller. Isn't that funny? So they gave me a gift check to spend. After dinner we met up with John John, his friend, Kim, Jung and some of KB's friends, Andy and Kristy at Champs, where they were doing karoke night. Whereupon, the best male and female contestants win $100 bucks. So guess who won?! ANDY! I was super excited for him. Now you HAVE to hear this guy sing. It's fully amazing. This boy needs to make his own solo cd. He totally deserved it too. And guess who also sang? KB sang a song called Runaround Sue, so the next day at work, I had that damned song stuck in my head ALL day. heh, but that's a good thing! =)

Saturday, I picked up Johnny and we headed down to L.A. Met up with Suey, Flower and Hen Hen to eat dinner and look at Halloween costumes. Afterwards, went to meet KB and went to this late night diner/bar to see some of his friends. Got a little buzzed, and when we got back to his apartment, apparently I crashed in front of his computer and fell asleep. I didn't mean to do that. >_< Next day comes rolling around and we end up going to his daddy's store for a few hours so that he could run some errands. His daddy is super cute! Then, after a bit of mix up with some keys, we went to USC to study. I got a lot done since KB left me for a few hours to work on a group project. I finished reading The Bad Beginning and started reading The Little Prince again. Everytime I read this book, I love it more and more.

"Just so, you might say to them: "The proof that the little prince existed is that he was charming, that he laughed, and that he was looking for a sheep. If anybody wants a sheep, that is proof that he exists." And what good would it do to tell them that? They would shrug their shoulders, and treat you like a child. But if you said to them: "The planet he came from is Asteroid B-612," and they would be convinced, and leave you in peace from their questions." p.17

I supposed you would have to read the book from the beginning to understand the point, but every one that I run into in the book, I'm never disappointed.

I've been having a dilemma about Cory Pie. My mother is becoming increasing agitated by my dog. She basically wants me to get rid of him. This is what we fought about the other night. So I've decided that when I move out, I'm going to take him with me. The problem is, finding roommates that like dogs, and probably even bigger, finding an apartment or house that will let me keep a dog. There are a lot of problems I have to think out, but I'm not ready to give up on the idea of letting him go. This is what I truly despise about my mother. This whole dog thing was her idea to begin with. I didn't ask for a dog. But now because the dog is not up to par with her standards, she just wants to give him away. It infuriates me that she just wants to take the easy way out by giving him away. Well sure, anyone can always take the easy way out. But what good is that you know? She did this with our last dog as well. I'm just so pissed off that there can be no compromise with her. It's completely mad. Especially when I love this dog already. Why doesn't she just rip my heart out for all she cares..

I know I'm going to be super busy when I get to Pomona. I know I'm still going to be working and I know I haven't even found roommates or an apartment yet.. but.. I'm not ready to give up on Cory just because of these things. The only way I'd give up on him is if I have tried every last resort. I have to at least try. That night, was a night where I just felt terrible. I hadn't shed a single tear for a long time. But I just sat on the corner of the street with Cory in my arms and I cried and cried and no body could understand. I know I don't hate my own mother. But there are moments when I feel that I do. It's been frustrating, but I'm going to figure something out so this will work. "It is such a secret place, the land of tears." p. 31

It's been raining for the past couple of days. "There are people who play in the rain, and then there those that get wet." Now don't run the quote literally. Or, at least, I didn't, because I sure prefer the sun over the rain. I think it refers to every aspect of your life, simply saying, bad things are gonna happen, and you can either deal with them to accomodate your needs or be miserable. You pick. It's all very similar to:
"When life hand you lemons, make lemonade." or,
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." or,
"The future is as bleak or as beautiful as you want it to be."

or even more bluntly put,

"After the rain always comes the sun. After darkness always comes the glorious dawn. There is no sorrow without its alloy of joy. There is no joy without its mixture of sorrow. Behind the ugly terrible mask of Misfortune lies the beautiful soothing countenance of Prosperity. So, tear the mask."

So, while living this house with Cory. I'm just going to have to make accomodations to fit my life. I refuse to be miserable. It's not me. Wallowing in my self-pity for a long time is not my idea of fun. So this morning, I woke up early so I could vacuum the downstairs of our house so my mom could shush about the dog fur for once. And while I was vacuuming, a thought came to my head, "Hey mom, when I was vacuuming, I also picked up some hairs from your head. Actually, I saw quite a few. Should we get rid of you too?" The answer is NO! You don't get rid of living breathing creatures because of little annoyances. This is why I simply don't understand people because people do this all the time. People do this to other PEOPLE for goodness sake. It's absolutely crazy. I don't understand my mom, I don't understand some of my friends, and I don't understand many people in general. I DO feel where they are coming from, but I don't understand how it could possibly be enough for them to make such a rash decision. I feel a little sick from the world. I need a break. But I'm off to tutor Alex.

Cute dog picture for the day.

French Bulldog in the lost ponderings of contemplating whether or not to take some of these sweet stuffed puppies home.

<3 Karen

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