Feeling Better
November 30, 2004 at 10:49 p.m.
Dear Tobey,

Hey darling. I'm feeling better. MUCH better. Trust is a funny thing isn't it? It seems like it's so hard to build, but so easily crumbled down. Even so, there's not much else to say except, OKAY. I'll give it a shot. I'll trust you. "Done bun can't be undone". One of my favorite quotes as you know. There's nothing in the world I can do to change the past, but there's everything I can do within my control now to sway the future. Life goes on, and it goes with or without you. I guess you have to determine what's important, what you believe, and what you're going to decide based on those things. Life goes on, and I'm moving with it.

Having that done and said.. I'm preparing myself to stay up until 3 in the morning, practicing my speech. After watching half of my fellow classmates give their speeches today, I must say that most of them sucked quite badly. Kind of scared me into preparing myself a little better for my speech on Thursday. I picked up some coffee, but it's not even doing my any justice right now. I'm freaking sleepy as hell! I ate rolled tacos for dinner... YUMMMM. =) I love them and they are so damn cheap. I can't believe that finals are coming up so quickly. I wish it were the lazy days of summer so I could look forward to going to the beach. It's okay! I'm going to go to San Diego when finals are over and go to the zoo and wild animal park. Even if no one wants to go with me and I go alone! I don't even care. That's how bad I want to go. And since I have a pass to go whenever I want, I think I'll go often and be observant. =) I'm going to take my mammal book and ID species without looking at their info. hehe. I'm so excited!

You know what pissed me off today in speech class? There are these two people in my class that are extreme well spoken and always give excellent speeches. I gotta admit, they have something going on that the rest of us don't. But, I noticed that whenever someone went up and made a mistake, or forgot a few lines of their speech, they would start giggling and laughing amongst themselves. I was like... "What the hey?!" Do they really think that they are so good that they can laugh at the mistakes of others? Dammit. I really can't respect people like that, no matter how good they are at what they do. Also, that is just straight up RUDE. Everybody else in class is super nice. I really like talking with Shirley, Joesph, Dave, and Alex. They are fantastic classmates! =)

Okay, I want to talk more, but I really need to start preparing for my speech. This coffee sucks ass. It's freaking putting me to sleep.

One more thing I'd like to mention. If somebody claims that they can't be friends with you, but then tries to act like friends anyway, what does that mean...? One thing I realized the other day is that I take things VERY LITERALLY. I remember when I used to go to GIGS with my sister and Johnny.. and on the first day, they gave us a bendable pipewire and asked us to make something that shows the path you've had with God. Some people made hearts. Others made objects that symbolized something. I remember that Johnny made a Christmas tree, because he said that they were like layers until you get to the top of the tree. I took those directions quite literally and made a map type path, that showed my relationship with God. So it just basically looked like a road with curves and turns in it. And some people laughed at me! =( Anyways.. the point is, I don't understand why this person said that he can't be friends with me, but then tries to act like a friend. I mean, he actually makes an effort that could totally be avoided, to talk to me, or invite me to do things. I wouldn't mind, if I knew that he could actually be my friend.. but, he even said himself that he can't. I just think that's very odd.

I just think it's odd in general that people say one thing and do the complete opposite. Not saying that anyone is perfect.. everyone's a hypocrite in some way! But, I think there should be consistency, that's all. Anyways. Gotta go SPEECH IT UP!

<3 Karen

I'll leave you with a funny picture.

Ben looks retarded. Mike.. well, he just looks like he always does! But Jed, please take off those policeman sunglasses. They are NOT rad. =D

This made me laugh today. I'm such a jerk!

henrlee23971: have you seen finding neverland?
adOggy07: hell no
adOggy07: that looks dorky
adOggy07: hehe
adOggy07: why?
henrlee23971: hell no??
henrlee23971: it looks good
adOggy07: henry. you are one corny bastard
adOggy07: hehehehe
henrlee23971: what the
adOggy07: lol
henrlee23971: so heartless
henrlee23971: i guess you too old to enjoy happiness anymore
adOggy07: lol
adOggy07: i think you are just corny.
adOggy07: hehe
henrlee23971: geez 22
henrlee23971: i don't want to grow up
adOggy07: be quiet kid
adOggy07: muhahahaha. im so mean!
adOggy07: sorry. im in a bullying type mood today
henrlee23971: that fine
adOggy07: hahaha
adOggy07: sorry!
henrlee23971: want to fight?
adOggy07: i apologize quite sincerly
henrlee23971: u can let out on me
adOggy07: thanks buddy!
adOggy07: did you just give me permission to use you as a punching bag?
henrlee23971: oh yeah
henrlee23971: anytime
adOggy07: whooo! so excited
adOggy07: haha
henrlee23971: cory sucks
henrlee23971: i like your new dog more
adOggy07: ferraris SUCK!
henrlee23971: aren't you angry?
adOggy07: no
adOggy07: b/c i know that cory is the best dog in the world
henrlee23971: yeah i like when he bites me
adOggy07: that's b/c you dont know the REAL cory!
adOggy07: the real cory is totally awesome =)
henrlee23971: the real cory?
henrlee23971: i was being serious
adOggy07: yeah! the NON-hyper, affectionate, loving, cory
adOggy07: wait, you LIKE it when he bites you?
henrlee23971: when he nibbles on my fingers
henrlee23971: yeah
adOggy07: you freak of nature
henrlee23971: its funny
adOggy07: hehehe
adOggy07: jk!
adOggy07: im drinking a lot of coffee. maybe thats why im so hyper and mean right now

Good night! I really like this poem.

A Clear Midnight
By Walt Whitman

This is thy hour O Soul,
thy free flight into the wordless,
Away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done,
Thee fully forth emerging, silent, gazing, pondering the themes thou
lovest best,
Night, sleep, death and the stars.

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007