January 02, 2005 at 8:17 p.m.
Hi again Tobeykins,

True to my word, I did go to the gym today. Although I had to force myself off the couch, away from the warm body of Cory Pie, I still went to the gym. I realized how long it had been since I'd been to the gym when I started sweating and running out of breath on the treadmill after only 15 minutes! Usually after that amount of time, I haven't even broken out in a sweat. I've always felt like I could run on the treadmill FOREVER. Apparently not anymore.

If there is any new years resolutions I should make, it is this: To go to the gym every other day. And there it is. Hopefully, the end to all the flubbiness I have gained in the past few months. Actually, I really don't mind the weight gain all so much.. but I still do want to be FIT. That is all. However, the fact that I weigh more than my mother, is a little unsettling.

About those new years resolutions. I know that I think that it's silly that people begin to make resolutions at the start of the year, when in fact, they could be made any day of the month.. but still, I think it serves it's purpose as a good reminder. So I'd like to add some other things to this list. For one thing. I really REALLY REALLY need to stop chewing my fingernails off. Fingernails aren't even the worst of it. I know that the ONLY way I can stop this, is if I have the will inside me to stop. By no means will my stubborn ass listen to my best friend or parents. In fact, when they tell me to stop, I feel rebellious and want to do the exact opposite. I know this is stupid. But I get MAD when people tell me to stop. I want to punch them in the face and tell them, "well what do you know!?" And in my personal opinion, I think that my bad habit is still a LOT better than a habit such as smoking. By biting my fingers and nails, I am not causing cancer onto myself. I am not polluting the environment and I am not producing second hand smoke that could potentially harm others. I would say that the only downfall from my bad habit is that it looks gross on the outside. But at least I'm not making my insides ugly! So screw you, and you, and you too! All right.. I'm not really mad. But, I really need to do this on my own. That's number 2 I suppose. Number 3 would be to be more emotionally independent. That's self explanatory. Number 4 would be.. (*sigh. This would be the hardest..) to eat healthier. This is SO incredibily difficult for me to do. I am addicted to the aroma of fast food. I get cravings to eat McDonalds (despite Supersize Me), and Taco Bell. I yearn for soda when I'm at work and I treat myself to fast food when I feel like I've had a long day or feel like I need a reward. Stupid? Yes. Can I stop doing this? I REALLY don't know.

So. The emotional beans. I really flucctuate between feeling fantastic and feeling like crap at times. I know everyone feels sad from time to time, but the reason for me feeling this way is just STUPID. What to do eh? Oy voy. The boys are going to go gamble, but I really don't want to do that tonight. I think I'll just stay in. Early good night Tobes.

<3 Karen

Coldplay - Easy to Please

Love, I hope we get old
I hope we can find a way of seeing it all
Love, I hope we can be
I hope I can find a way of letting you see

That I'm so easy to please
So easy

Love, I hope we grow up
I hope we can find a way of seeing it all
Love, I hope we can be
I hope I can find a way of letting you see

That I'm so easy to please
So easy

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007