Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005 at 12:41 a.m.
Dear Tobey,

It's one o'clock in the am and I really, REALLY should be sleeping by now since I start work tomorrow at 8:45, but this is to no avail!! So.. I thought a little chat might help me get sleepy.

I went fishing today with KB at Yorba Linda Park and... let's just say there was a mixed bag of emotions I ran into. Overall I had a good time, but I did feel kind of sad about this fish that KB caught.. I know this is stupid, but.. okay wait. Let me start over! KB and I had been fishing for a while, and he got a bite. He was able to reel it in and we picked it up and looked at it. It was a pretty big fish! This guy from the other side noticed that we caught something, so he came over. He asked us if we were going to throw it back in and we said yes. Then he proceeded to ask us if he could keep it! I really didn't want the fish to die, so I was hoping that Mike would say no.. but being the nice guy that he is, he said yes, and the fish was taken away to it's doom. I felt quite upset after it was taken away.. because I really didn't want the guy to take it to it's death. I know it wasn't Mike's fault because NORMAL fisherpeople probably do this all the time and it's fine, and he didn't even know I felt so strongly about putting the fish back.. but I couldn't help but feel upset.

LOOK... I know it's stupid for me to feel sad over a fish, but I just felt responsible for the fish's life! I really liked fishing today, but only if I can put the fish back. Yes, I do realize that I eat fish and cows and other animals that were once alive.. but I guess.. I just feel that killing for sport is unnecessary. But maybe that guy really was going to make it his dinner, who knows? I don't know.. I know I'm being silly.. but I just feel this way.

A funny thing happened at the lake also. By chance I happened to catch a small fish! I almost had a heart attack when it took my line. I just totally wasn't expecting that to happen. Then while we were looking at my fish, I got another bite while just holding my rod out. KB was going crazy because, what were the chances of that happening?! It was pretty funny. We didn't get the second fish because we were so shocked and didn't get to reel it in in time.

Overall, I would say that I had a pretty good time fishing. I'm going to try really hard to accept this idea of murdering fish, but I'm really not sure if I can do it. ALL RIGHT, I know it's not MURDER, but.. I can't help but feel pain in my heart for the fish as stupid as that sounds. Just imagining the thought of it's heart slowing and struggling for life just horrifies me.

I know..... Say what you will... >_<

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007