Happy Birthday Maria
Saturday, Mar. 12, 2005 at 1:28 p.m.
Hi love,

Last night I went out with the girls for Maria's birthday at Liquid Lounge in Huntington Beach. It was a lot of fun! My new drink of choice is redbull and vodka. It tastes very fruity, and it's really not that strong (a single anyway). I'm surprised I like the drink because I usually can't drink any tall glass that contains alcohol unless it's beer. The idea of sipping hard liquor is disgusting to me. I'd rather take a shot! But I actually really do like redbull and vodka. I also got to see my old friend from chem class, Nicole!! It was really good hanging out with her and everyone. It's her birthday in a few weeks so we're going to hang out again. =) I liked Liquid Lounge because it was a mix crowd and it wasn't jam packed with people on the dance floor. It was just right. I can't believe we all got up and danced on the stage. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIA!

I was famished afterwards, so Jayv and I went to Del Taco and I slept at her place for the night. I'm really glad I get to see her at least once a week now. I remember meeting her in tennis class and she was so upbeat and friendly. The beginnings of a wonderful friendship. =) I'm debating if I should go out with them tonight. I'm tired, and I want to visit KB too. My feet seriously hurt like NO OTHER from dancing last night. It's very tiring to dance for almost 3 straight hours! Still, Vegas was the best. Dancing till 4:00 in the am. =D

Okay, well I'm off to have onion soup with the moms! See ya Tobes.

<3 Karen

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