Sunday, Mar. 13, 2005 at 10:05 p.m.
Dear Tobey,

Hi sweets! I just got back from the gym. It was the first time I had gone in about.. 4 weeks. I got to two miles on the treadmill and my gums just couldn't take it anymore. My left side still hurts a little extra, especially when I have blood pumping harder in my body. I can't wait until I'm fully normal again and I don't have to eat little pieces of my last meal that pop up from the holes in my gums as well. I think that would be nice!! o_O I'm just getting so mad at myself lately for not being in shape and eating healthier. I can't do this. It's not going to work for me to eat whatever I want and justify it by going to work out. I don't think I'm going to eat less frequently, but I'm going to try to cut down portions at meals and such, drink more water, maybe actually add some fruits and veggies to my diet for God's sake. I guess I'm getting worried about my body. Not just what I look like physically, but about the health of my body more importantly. I think one of the reasons I'm so tired all the time is because my diet and exercise is so damn bad. I will not be lazy anymore!!! >_< (or so I say)

Yesterday I went out with my roomies and their friends to Molly Mullgan's? Molly... _________ m something. It is an Irish pub in Los Angeles. Since KB lives so darn close to the area, he came out with us later also. We had a little car trouble on the way home, and we had to call Richie to take us to our Chino home. It could have been worse, and we really lucked out on Richard being awake and at home at that hour. I ended up dropping KB off at work and came back home and attempted to go back to sleep to no avail. Jayv came over later and we went out with roomie Darren and watched Robots, which I thought was an OKAY movie. Darren and Jayv liked it more than I. It's kind of a cheesy, warm feeling, family movie. Unless it's wildly creative or absolutely hilarious, I don't care too much for movies as such. I still think it was worth seeing at least once though! We ate at BJ's afterwards and we got nachos and pizza. I'm freaking in love with their chili that they put on their nachos and chili fries. It's one of the most wonderful things ever created on the face of this planet!! =D As Darren would say, I should marry it! But I'll pass on marrying chili (at least for now).

I'm actually pretty darn tired right now. =/ I'm going to grab a little snack before bed, read a bit of Ginger Pye and get to bed early for work tomorrow!

A horribly OLD picture of me and Ben!

Sarah and Phoenix in Oregon.

I'm going the wrong way!! =)

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007