Back From SF
Monday, Aug. 07, 2006 at 1:24 p.m.
Dear Tobias,

Hi sweetheart. San Francisco was very relaxing. We did lots of eating, eating and eating! Some shopping and such.. Sarah and Suey tried Indian food for the first time. That was fun! I think they liked it for the most part. We took them to Chutney's. It was a tad difficult to find really fun stuff to do for Suey and Sarah as they are still underage.. and one will be for a long long time more! We also hung out with Hanna for a little bit and ate lunch with her in the Berkley area. We ate at Intermezzo! It's a sandwich/soup/salad type place that's very popular.. I guess because it's known for it's healthy ingredients. I wasn't amazed by the food quality or anything, but it was all right.

In some weird news... I don't have my Accord anymore! We drove my dad's pilot to San Francisco because my car has been having problems... it's kind of old now.. well, it had about 120,000 miles on it. And apparently, while my dad was using it over the weekend, it died on him. He's not sure if he's going to get it fixed... or just get rid of it. So he gave me the Civic. It's so funny because it looks just like Mike's car, except without a spoiler. Oh, and the fact that mine is automatic. But same color and everything. I don't really care what I drive. Actually, I'm quite grateful that my dad was able to just be like.. here, have this instead. I can't complain about anything because it was my dumbass that didn't take care of my Accord. The Civic only has about 20,000 miles on it.. so a lot less than the Accord.. as long as I keep this one in good shape and take it to a reputable car shop, I should be just fine. Whew! Thanks dad!!!

Summer session feels LONG. And BORING. I hate my microbiology teacher. Biometrics is pretty good. I like my teacher for that class. He was also my ornithology teacher last quarter and he's very good. Very unlike any of my other teachers this quarter. Next quarter I'm going to take:

Possible internship
Probable synthesis class:
Human Sexuality

I'm excited to take more zoo classes because I had a lot of fun in Herp and Ornithology. I learned a lot! And still didn't learn everything. I guess that would be quite impossible.

Mike's in Mammoth for most of the week.. He'll be back Thursday. We're doing okay. Since our last big "talk" a few weeks back, I've questioned many things. On the drive back from SF, I decided to ask him for an update on things between us when the little sisters were sleeping or not paying attention. I asked him if he thought that I was being less "annoying" and he said yes. I then asked him if he thought that he had changed at all (since he said he realized that he needed change also). And he said no. His explanation basically was that he just finished finals and such, so to give him some more time. I don't know if we confused our definitions or agreements, but I wasn't expecting things to be different only at certain times in our lives.. I guess I was more expecting a consistent change. I hope no one is getting confused with a personality change... because that's not at all what I'm intending. The bottom line is that people don't change other people directly. I certainly don't want to change Mike or who he is. And I don't think that I should have to change either. It's very hard when we are seeing how different we really are. So, we'll see what happens. I shall keep you updated of course.

The only real great, fantastic thing that has been happening is that Medusa is a pig and eats all her meals. I never have to worry about her eating, as with many ball python owners. Her shed is not so good though.. but I'm hoping the UTH will fix the humidity to help her shed next time! Ttyl hun. Biochem test on Wednesday. It's going to be ugly! Yeck! =P

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007