Wednesday, Nov. 08, 2006 at 5:25 p.m.
Dear TB,

Okay. I'm officially tired as hell! I just finished dusting and re-organizing my entire desk. Which, if you know... contains most of my items. Why? Because I live in a box. So yes.. that took up almost 2 hours. Sheesh! But I think it looks a lot better. =)

Ichthyology was canceled today because Dr. Baskin was sick... so I got to go home at 11:00 am today!! It was awesome. =) I went to Petsmart and bought new bedding (carefresh) for the rattons, a hide-away because they didn't have one.. and now I realize that I should have bought a new food dish because the one they had was pretty nasty! For some reason it was... tied around the cage, so it was never taken out to be cleaned. Yuck! I think they were scared of the hide-away at first because I don't think they had one before... but they seem to be getting used to it. =) All small rodents should have a box to hide in and sleep in.... to feel like they are safe and not out in the open. I actually bought a hide-away that was made for a chinchilla so that Oreo and Winnie could both fit nicely together.

I was talking to Darren just now about politics. I think that if I got into politics, I would become an extremely angry person. I was asking Darren is there ARE any political figures that he actually likes or approves of. And he said that there was ONE. I think if I was into politics.. and I could only think of one political figure that I approve of... I would go mad with insanity. I don't want to ignore politics... but it's hard for me to get interested in it... also because I feel like I have to know everything to make a valid opinion. And you can't possibly know everything in politics. Anyway. Maybe I will look into though... I'm taking History of California next quarter with professor Bates. I hate him for History 202 and he was so awesome! Really opened my eyes and got me interested into how our government works.

Going to dinner soon with Rene and Darren. =)

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
In Manhattan, Kansas! - Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008
Minnesota! - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008
First Interview!!! - Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007