On Being In The Sky
Thursday, Dec. 21, 2006 at 10:33 a.m.
Dear TB,

I wonder if you can be arrested for writing about something that you did that was illegal. Hmmm..! Good question huh? hehe. I doubt it..... so, I shall speak of my bad doings here. Well, not really bad. But, sort of. Or, so says the law. So yeah. Last night, Darren, Liz and I were just hanging out and Darren and I smoked out. Is that so horrible?! I don't really think so, but it was definitely interesting. I haven't done that since high school, so I was a bit scared at first. I didn't even realize that I was definitely high until a few minutes after walking back downstairs and we were taking shots of bicardi. Aigooooo.... I don't think I was drunk at all, although I should have been. It's like, being high masked the feeling of any drunken-ness if there was any to be had. Darren and Liz said that I was acting like a valley girl in the beginning, as do most girls apparently. It was really scary in the beginning. I felt like I was going in and out of a dream. Or it was as if I had fallen asleep while they were talking and I kept waking up and falling back asleep repeatedly. The feeling was so new to me that I thought I might disappear and never come back. After a couple of hours I think I realized what was happening and I felt okay. It was like someone turned on a light bulb in my head and said, "HEY- you're just high." And everything was fine. I felt very relaxed and calm. Listening to music was so soothing. We were listening to Breakestra.. and when I closed my eyes, I felt like they were right there, playing in front of me. Then I simply fell asleep and woke up normal again. It was kind of fun once I realized I was okay and I wasn't going to disappear. Okay TB. I'm going to my day trial at the animal hospital at 2. Talk to you later darling...

<3 Karen

Yesterday | Tomorrow

Moving - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
Rambles and Kansas! - Thursday, Feb. 07, 2008
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